Adventures in Photographic Irritation

Three instances of “Suffering for your Art” - well not really, I wasn’t in danger of falling off a cliff or being eaten by a wild animal, but these are some of my small adventures trying to photograph ships. Enjoy… As I have mentioned in a previous blog post, I take a lot of freighter photos because I'm in a town where they regularly pass by. I've never really had an issue photographing them because there's nothing in the way, really, except the occasional boater close to shore. Well, one Friday night I went down there to grab a new one, and instead I got three going through one after the other and two that actually passed each other. In the meantime, there is a park by the boardwalk where they hold concerts with a portable stage on Friday nights, so there was a crowd for the concert, and there were boaters out on the river listening to the music. I already had to take off my shoes and leave them on a park bench because of the wash and the high water level, then I wa...