Dow Gardens

In the Garden 2018 I have been to the lovely Dow Gardens in Midland Michigan twice and it is really a beautiful and serene place with lovely pathways, whimsical sculptures of Dr. Seuss characters and beautiful gardens. There is a conservatory, trails through the surrounding woodlands and various gardens including a children’s area. Dogwood Blossom Dow Gardens 2018 Beautiful bright red foot bridges span many of the ponds along with a concrete reflection bridge and a rough-hewn stone bridge. Dow Gardens Red Footbridge 062618 The gardens were developed by Herbert Dow of the Dow chemical company in 1899 as a gift to the city. The one home in the gardens proper is called “The Pines” and it is a national historic landmark. Dow Gardens Path 1 2018 The garden is an area of 110 acres located in the heart of Midland, Michigan. There are beautiful paving stones, ponds, lots of mature trees, benches, and shaded areas. If you are ever in that area of ...