
We are bombarded with signs everywhere we go. Even out away from urban areas, depending on where we are, we see billboards and directional signs, town signs, animal crossing signs, construction ahead signs, points of interest signs. I’m old enough to remember Burma Shave signs. They would advertise their shaving cream with four or five signs in a row alongside the highway (not expressway, just regular rural highways), and it would be something like: sign one “ don’t try passing… ” sign two “ ….on a slope ” sign three “u nless you have a… ” sign four “ …periscope ”. The final sign would be the “Burma Shave” logo. I used to look forward to seeing those, which they spaced about three hundred feet apart, so you had time to look for the next one in the series while driving 55 mph. There have been some unfortunate font choices for signs leading to some hilarious, but unfortunate-looking phrasing, which most of you have probably seen samples of on the internet, so I won’t bother to post those...