Who do you think you are?

One Two Three 4 People like to talk about themselves. Sometimes to the point of nausea if you are subjected to it for hours on end. I worked briefly with a person about five years ago who shall remain nameless that would never let you FINISH A SENTENCE (something my husband accuses me of all the time, which I admit, I do because I get enthusiastic about what he’s saying - sorry, dear), and was generally talking about himself all the time. This person annoyed me to the point where I really did not like him at all. And I like pretty much everybody unless he or she is a complete and utter jerk, in which case I just walk away. Carousel at night 2017 2 This is my way of saying I try not to talk about myself all the time, but this is my blog post and I’m going to talk about myself a little bit. One thing that fascinates me is what I don’t know about a person’s interests even after knowing them for a while. I find it interesting to learn what their “avocations” or personal study interes...