Halloween OR The not-so-subtle Put-Down

This main blog site is called “Mary Bedy Photography”, which is, indeed, my main art-related activity, but there are times when I just need a break and to have fun with something else. Thus my adventures with a free drawing program on my iPad, which lets me just “play”. There obviously is no serious, deep, soul-searching meaning behind the artwork in this blog post. However, it reminds me of something that was posted in the discussions on one of my art sites several years ago that really irked me so I’m going to vent about it here briefly. This person started a discussion for “professional” artists only and implied those of us that don’t make our entire living selling art (or photography), and/or are not classically trained, are JUST amateurs and JUST having fun (implying all joy and no work involved). I went off on this person and I will explain why. I’m a linguist in my professional capacity. I majored in Spanish and minored in French in college. I work as a manager in a transla...