Comparison - do you measure up?

I have been thinking a lot about how I compare myself and my work with the work of other people. In my case, I specifically compare my photography with that of others. This is an on-going process, but the parameters have changed over the years. Many younger people start out with the attitude “I’m going to be the next best (insert profession or activity here) and I will be applauded and noticed for my (art, athletic ability, scientific achievement, photography).” Usually after that train of thought, there is a period of adjustment when a person finds out how much work is actually involved in this adventure they chose, and there is some decision whether to continue and perhaps narrow down the focus of this endeavor. For example, a track and field athlete may find their strongest area and specialize in long-distance running instead of sprinting. A visual artist may love to work in watercolor and not really enjoy painting in acrylics or oil. As a photographer, perhaps someone becomes...