Ω Colorful Shore Rocks At the cusp of the new year, I’m examining my state of mind and my well being in general. I believe all of us have goals and ambitions and self-standards that are sometimes unrealistic. Of course nobody is perfect, even though some people profess that they are….some of them quite famous. Fall Canopy 5 102224 I know I can’t physically do a lot of the things I could do when I was younger, like paint the interior of my house (which it needs desperately). I have a few shoulder issues. I’M OK WITH THAT. I will save up and hire someone. I know I will never be a “famous artist” or a “famous photographer” and I’M OK WITH THAT. I know I will never be rich. I’M OK WITH THAT. Spider Web in Fog 12 Do I have regrets? Of course. Everybody feels guilty about some of the stuff in their past, but I’M OK WITH THAT. Do I worry about the future and things that “might” happen? Yes, but I’m working on it and I’M OK WITH THAT. I’ve heard...