Inherited stuff

Time in the Shade 2 BW 073120 I have reached the age where I have inherited stuff from two households. My parents and my in-laws all died within about 6 years of each other, the youngest of the four being my father-in-law at 89, but my husband also lost his two brothers, both before the age of 50. There’s some cool stuff. One brother-in-law left a group signed (vinyl) album by Aerosmith, and I have a Viking jersey that belonged to the other brother-in-law. Those two items don’t take up much room, but when my dad passed away in 2012, it was a much different story. He hated to throw anything out. Oh, his house was neat and clean, but the basement and the garage were crammed full of stuff he “might need” some day, or he had repaired 50 times - depression mentality there - so that was a bit more of a challenge. Daddy's Cameras 3 Antique 012922 Mom's Mirror 2 020822 My in-laws, on the other hand, had moved to a much smaller house t...