Black and White Photography

I have noticed an odd occurrence with black and white photography. On some websites, it gets a lot of attention and on others, not much attention at all. Either people really like it, or they dismiss it out of hand. I have not been able to pinpoint the personality type that gravitates toward monochrome photography because it seems to be a totally random thing, however I suspect there may be more of an appreciation for, and like of black and white photography among those who have studied the history of photography, which may have given them more of an appreciation for it simply from higher exposure to it. Black and white photography can very much alter your perception of an image. Your brain is forced to shift its attention from the colors of a scene to the shapes, lines and tonal values. Sometimes a photo with muddy, ugly or glaring colors that is blatantly unpleasant can be magically transformed into a beautiful study of lines, geometric shapes and negative space created by the bla...