Bits of Port Huron

Port Huron, Michigan was incorporated as a city in 1857 after the removal of the native Ojibway population to Wisconsin and Minnesota during the Indian Removal act in 1836. The town grew rapidly due to the ship-building and lumber industries. The population in 1959 was 4,031. It became the county seat of Saint Clair County in 1871. In 2010 the population was 30,148. Fort Gratiot Light in Winter 5 The Fort Gratiot Lighthouse, shown here in winter, was built in 1829 and automated in 1933 and was the first lighthouse built in Michigan. The Blue Water Bridge just north of downtown Port Huron and shown above links Michigan with Sarnia, Canada and the Saint Clair River runs south from Lake Huron to Lake Saint Clair and the Detroit River. 1920s Building Port Huron Brass Rail Bar Port Huron 2 072918 Just north of town is a large public park with a view of the bridge. There is a small museum building next to the bridge d...