Minor Obsession and Shameless Sales Pitch

American Spirit Detail 050818 In the past approximately seven years, I have collected images of 321 freighters, tankers, tugs, coast guard cutters and three cruise ships that go through my home town of Saint Clair, Michigan. This has become a minor obsession to collect every large ship I can when they go by. Blacky 2 051520 There was a time four or five years ago when I could get up to nine new ships in a weekend. I do have a freighter tracker on my phone so I’m able to see what’s going through town at any given time. The new ships (new to me) have, of course, diminished in frequency because a lot of these freighters go through here on a regular basis. It has become apparent that there is an interest in these massive vessels because I have sold more freighter images than any other category of image including architecture, nature, national parks images (which I love, but the image market is saturated with national park photos) and all but images specific to Michigan ...