Digital Creations for Fun

Eye Exam Orange 072420 During this Covid lockdown, and due to the fact that it has been virtually impossible or at least ill-advised to travel very far, especially in groups of people, I have resorted to creating some digital designs for fun, art-related satisfaction, and maybe eventually some kind of profit, if someone decides they want to buy one of my designs for something fun to look at or to put it together as a puzzle. Alternate View I have noticed that when I create a digital abstract design (mostly because I don’t have a tablet pen yet, and it’s hard to draw anything realistic with your finger), they tend to come out looking a bit mid-century modern. I don’t know how modern I am, but I’m definitely mid-century. I can see now how hard it is to give an abstract piece of art a name. I guess some artists resort to “Abstract Number 1” and a date. Or “Blue Abstract”. I, on the other hand, just look at the finished work and try to get a quick impression of what it reminds me of. Cha...