Botanical Photography

Flowers and plants, we take them for granted. However, those of us who live in climates where there are cold, snowy winters, we may enjoy them a bit more than those who get to enjoy them outdoors year-round. Selling botanical images, especially flowers, is very difficult these days, with almost everyone owning a smart phone with a camera and the massive flood of floral photos online in the last several years. Getting your work seen is virtually impossible unless you are shoving it in people’s faces and even then, it had better be unique or stunningly beautiful or they are not going to be impressed. I admit, though, that I keep trying because, after all, who doesn’t like flowers and plants in general? My advice is try to take your photo from a different angle - such as my sunflower here, which was starting to wilt, but from a profile view was still a marvel of soft natural forms. If you are photographing outdoors in sunlight, try getting down low with the sun behind the flowers...