Outside WHAT box?

Unleashed I really dislike the expression “thinking outside the box”. Whose box? What constitutes “outside the box?” Hasn’t pretty much everything been done and thought of by now? Well, maybe not technological breakthroughs that we may have never anticipated. But in this day and age of instant information, the minute we think we’ve discovered something new, it usually turns out whatever it is has either been around a long time, or someone (maybe Leonardo da Vinci) had thought of it eons ago even if it has not existed in real time and space yet. On the Court 42 I also have grown to dislike articles about photography that urge you to “think outside the box”. Generally, the advice goes something like this: Get under your subject instead of shooting it from the top. Try to get a backlit image of your subject so it’s just a silhouette. Get low to the ground so everything looks larger. Shoot a flower with the sun shining through it from behind, not with the sun directly on it. Etc. etc...