Watching Time

I have a love of clocks and watches. I have a couple of inexpensive watches in a drawer with lovely beaded bands that I bought at the local art fair for which I should buy batteries because I would still enjoy wearing them if they were working. Looking around my bedroom, I have five clocks in various locations. One old wind-up alarm clock from my parent’s house, two tiny square battery operated clocks, also from my parent’s house a small battery-operated travel alarm on my night stand that we bought for travel before the advent of cell phones, and one digital clock radio on the dresser. I also have a round battery wall clock in my living room. The other two clocks in the house are just the digital clock on my stove, and the microwave. The neon clock shown here was photographed at a small restaurant in Manistique, Michigan. I remember the restaurant for a decent Greek salad that they promptly ruined by drowning it in about two cups of dressing, and this clock. The waitresses l...