The Fog Bank of Life

I was looking at some of my “fog” images the other day and I had a random thought float through my head. I was thinking walking through life is kind of like waking through a fog bank. You just never know what you’re going to bump into. And when you turn on your bright headlights, all they do is reflect the fog back to you. Somehow, I kind of find that comforting. Obviously, there are surprises along the way, but usually the good surprises outweigh, or at least balance out the bad ones. Part of being OK with the unknown is being in the here and now and not worrying about past actions or future challenges. I like to think there are no monsters under the bed, no boogey man in the closet and that most people are well-meaning and kind. Maybe I’m naive, but that’s how I see it and I’m not going to change my mind, even in the face of my life experiences. I also like the silence of fog - the dense atmosphere buffering the clatter of life. It appears like a blanket of protection. ...