Chasing the High

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Let’s examine that phrase. “Chasing the high” can mean anything from trying to find that perfect feeling from drugs or alcohol, which becomes more and more elusive as the victim goes deeper and deeper into that bottomless pit. Those who stop that descent are lucky, smart and determined. 

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But let’s focus on the other  meaning behind the phrase “Chasing the high”. For some, this may mean “getting in the zone” (another often used expression) while driving a race car at high speeds. For another person, this may mean the fear, adrenaline and sheer will and strength of doing a free climb of El Capitan in Yosemite. But for most of us, there’s a different meaning. 


I am constantly seeking the artist’s high, in my case usually with photography. I have hit that high several times with what I perceive as the perfect photograph. A jury of my peers may or may not agree with my assessment, and even if I post a photo I personally think is fantastic, it sometimes gets little attention from others. That, to me, is less important than the feeling of accomplishment I had in creating what I consider a masterpiece of a photo. I’ve had two such photos published in books, but on my web site, they get very few views or comments.

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I have seen fellow artists express great surprise when some of us applaud and comment on a work we feel is outstanding, but which the artist him or herself sees as mediocre at best (I have had that experience a few times myself). They have also expressed disappointment when a work of theirs gets very little appreciation from others when they personally got a “creation high” while bringing the work to life.


 I think my point here is this; if you loved creating it, if you felt that “high” when it was finished, that work of art has at least served a purpose. Enjoy it for what it is, no matter the reaction of anyone else. Remember, that feeling is a large part of why you do what you do.

Death Depending Spring 2020

If you enjoyed these images, please visit my website:


  1. I can really relate to this, how many times have I got a rush from creating something and it gets no comments! You are right, the high from creating should be enough. Lovely images in this blog Mary.

    1. Thanks, Dorothy - it's always lovely to get approval, but the satisfaction otherwise is not to be overlooked, in my opinion.

  2. I love the images on your blog! Not typical---unique and beautiful!


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