Epiphany.....or Not

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I have, from time to time, been on the verge of some kind of epiphany, or mental breakthrough to a great truth or some universal wisdom that will change my life forever and give me profound understanding of the universe and the way it works. I’m not sure how to best describe the feeling I get just before this realization will supposedly hit me, but it’s like waiting for a mental “sneeze” that never arrives. You know how that feels…you’re talking to someone and you have to say “wait a minute”, but the sneeze never manifests.

Winter Gateway 030423

These instances, where I’m absolutely sure I’m going to realize something that will completely change my perception of reality, eliminate all fear and doubt from my life, and show me the way to wealth and happiness, infuriate me instead because the culminating realization never breaks through that “pre-sneeze” stage and I’m left sitting here with the same stupid look on my face, plodding along as usual, not knowing the point of any of this business called life and not knowing where it eventually leads. Hopefully not Alzheimer’s.

In the meantime, the only thing I know for certain is I have to keep taking photographs and making art. At least I’m certain of something in this confusing playground.





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