I Am An Artist

Buttons and Stripes I am an artist Growing up, I wanted to be an artist. I think growing up a LOT of people want to be artists. Then reality sinks in and most of us go another route to be able to buy our groceries. In my case, I had a 42 year career managing a translation company, after having obtained a degree in Spanish with a minor in French. That was my vocation. A Feather on the Beach 091523 Along the way, I did take time to paint in oil, and I took some adult education classes like painting, life drawing, and art history at the local community college. That kind of slowed way down when the chosen vocation demanded more and more of my time while also raising a family. That said, I am an artist. I have always been an artist. I never made a living at it, and until about 15 years ago, I never made any money...